
Friday, 28 May 2010

A week of learning new things

I've spent hours this week trying to learn several things - How to use my camera, how to use Picasa 3, how to crochet African Flowers, how to read a crochet pattern, where to buy wool, how to use facebook and how to blog. I've also managed a little of my Country Curtains work, baked a few cup-cakes and eaten the odd bar of chocolate.
It has all been very enjoyable if a little frustrating at times. Thanks to all the people who's blogs and facebook sites have helped and inspired me.


  1. Hi sounds like a perfect week to me!!! hehe
    You should learn something new everyday how ever small
    love the collage of phoyotos
    Happy snapping xx

  2. oops note to self read what you type BEFORE posting haha xx
